101 - Short Tee (Self Colour)
The Interclamp® 101 Short Tee is a 90° butt joint, often used to join intermediate uprights to top rails and middle rails to end uprights on level sites. The key clamp cannot be used where the through tube (horizontal in photo) has to be joined within the fitting (See Interclamp 104).
Please note that these fittings are bare metal and will be naturally prone to rusting unless a protective coating such as a lacquer is applied.
Product Data & Dimensions
Size | a (mm) | Weight (kg) | Box Qty* |
B34 | 46 | 0.32 | 84 |
* Fittings are sold individually and do not need to be bought in box quantities. Box quantities may be subject to change without prior notice.
Figures given as guidance only, dimensions and weights are subject to manfacturing tolerances and may be altered without prior notice.
Do not perform any pre-drilling, tube cutting, casting uprights or any other dimensionally critical processes prior to receiving fittings.